Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sculpting Macro Review………………

At the end of the Sculpting Macro, the last rest week before starting the new year’s adventure in beating my body into submission, e.g. the new Power Macro, we had a double ‘oscopy; a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Yep both ends were violated on February 1st. And if you know anything about the prep for a colonoscopy, you know that working out is the least of your worries. So my last real workout for the Sculpting Macro was a Friday morning run and the mini whole body on January 29th. So how did all of this intrusive inspection come out? They removed a couple of small benign polyps from the colon; not great news. However it seems the lesions from my Barret’s esophagus have cleared up; better news. Anyway, besides being old and falling apart internally, everything else looks pretty good and the New Year looks to be on track to get ahead of that Last 10 Pounds.

If you are ever faced with a colonoscopy (I’m now on the 5 year plan), I would like to provide the following recommendation on the prep. The week before, get yourself started on some sort of a ‘fiber’ supplement; e.g. psyllium, etc.… It’ll make the initial……purging……a heck of a lot easier. And if they find any of those nasty little polyps, you may want to add fiber to your basic supplement list.


We’ll start out with weight. We maintained the 197 lbs we saw at the end of the Endurance Macro. During one of my visits to the doctor I remember seeing over 200 on the scale. This to me is a BIG WOW!!! I don’t think there are many 60 year old men out there that can see 200 on the scale and say they are not overfat, overweight. Also note that my 3 month blood glucose, my HbA1c is still in the 5.7 range. There is no fat gain here. And neither of my doctors, my GP or my GI doctor, said anything about ’losing weight’. So let’s take a look at body fat;

Calculated BF = 12.6
Realistic BF (+4) = 16 to 18
Body fat calc is from ExRx and is Age Corrected to 60. The end of the Endurance Macro 14.24 Calculated. End of Sculpting Macro, maybe a 1 to 2% change (14.24 to 12.6).

Between the changes in skinfold, albeit minor, and the consistent weight it’s a pretty good assumption that muscle was preserved and a small amount of fat was lost. There was NO jaw dropping change in physique, just good management of what I have. And finally the comparison between Casey Butt’s, Your Muscular Potential, and where we’re at, at the end of this Sculpting Macro;

5’9” Average Joe (15% BF)
5’9” Mark Jennings (Power)
5’9” Mark Jennings (Endurance)
5’9” Mark Jennings (Sculpting)
5’9” Chiseled Athlete (10% BF)
Torso Shape
Inverted V
Positive V

The Mirror Check…………

I am always amazed at how I look a few days into the rest week. This is where you can really visualize, get an eye-ball on, the results of any work you are doing. There is no inflammation, no excess water, there is just you. You can see the areas of subcutaneous fat and the areas where muscle has managed to peak through. And if you’re working hard looking for progress, this is where you will see it.

So how did I look at the end of my yearlong trial? I’m here to tell you, pretty damn good. And it looks like I made progress in the love handle man pooch area also. This is my trouble area, this is my unicorn. And I think during this Sculpting Macro, I just plain worked it off. Between the two whole body workouts per week and the up/down cardio routines plus several weeks of the mini morning routines, I just plain worked hard enough to put a dent in it. However, there have been a couple of dietary items that may have helped; fiber supplements twice a day and minimizing lunches, e.g. been on a soup kick lately.

Whatever I’m doing, I think it is definitely in the right direction. And that makes it hard to shift gears and get into the next Power Macro. I will be eating more and working less, albeit harder and heavier, but less……………..will we lose the gains made from the Endurance and Sculpting Macros? Only Time will tell…………..

Niggly Injury of the Month……………

Five or so weeks ago, the third week-o-rest during the Sculpting Macro, I sorta’ kinda’ tweaked my knee. Not like a major tear or anything. However, the injury got progressively more ‘uncomfortable’ as I pushed through the last 3 weeks of the Sculpting Macro. It was very noticeable during the morning runs. The original incident happened when I tried to pull a second 300 lbs dead lift rep. I was using a double overhand grip and on my weaker arm, I lost grip and tried to save the lift; Bad Ju-Ju, should have let the bar drop. Then I went on to complete two more 250 lbs 8 rep sets, again with an overhand grip. And when I finished up, I noted a small tingling in that left knee. I think I jacked it when I caught the weight; locked that left knee out when using the right leg to support the lost grip. WOW!!! And it only took me five or so weeks to figure it out, Double WOW!!! So going into the Power Macro, probably the first few weeks will be very, very light runs. Completing heavier box squats doesn’t seem to bother it, not going low enough I suppose.

Although the good news; there are no longer any signs of shoulder pain that I had assumed originated from opposed grip deads.  

Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Masculine Feelings and the J Curve…………

How would you feel if your ‘pill pusher’, a person you are supposed to trust, gives you, maybe, poor advice? What I’m talking about here is serum cholesterol, what the values should or shouldn’t be. And the reason I bring this up is; have you ever heard of a ‘J’ curve. Basically, a ‘J’ curve is a graphic representation of the statistical……..‘sweet spot’. Yes, the ‘sweet spot’. That area of the curve that says if you don’t do enough or if you do too much you are at a statistical higher risk of failure………or of injury……… or of dying, WOW!!! And did you know that there are several proponents of this ‘sweet spot’ for mortality risk vs. serum cholesterol. The easiest to find is Ned Knock’s Blog, Health Correlator. And in one of his entries you will find the following representation of various causes of mortality, of death vs. serum cholesterol.

In an earlier entry I had stated I was shooting for a total cholesterol of 200. Well that’s pretty close to the ‘sweet spot’. Based on the referenced curve, it looks like cholesterol levels between 200 and 210 are where you need to be, statistically, as far as mortality from heart disease and closer to 220 as far as mortality from all causes. One of the things that really jump out from this statistical analysis is that mortality from parasitic and infectious diseases plus death by communicable and nutritional deficiency increase as serum cholesterol drops. WOW!!! And yet my ‘pill pusher’ wants to see total cholesterol in the 160’s, the 170’s. I am convinced 200 is the right answer. Look at the curves, judge for yourself. And if you’re on any kind of statin to control cholesterol and have issues with those………masculine feelings…….I would reduce the dosage to the minimum.

However, I do have a caveat to that recommendation, you had better be working out…….intensely……..several time a week. If you’re still dinking around with a 30 minute walk every other day, still 30 pounds on the heavy side of normal and your chair polishing day-job wears you out, stick with what your doctor recommends, he’s dealing with a different issue……overall poor health. Those……masculine feelings…….are only of secondary concern at that point.

Tweaking the Power Macro Schedule……………….   

Last month I put out a 3 day per week Power Macro schedule; it is basically what I had worked through last year. However, I have decided to modify the schedule to accommodate working with a new gym partner. She has Tuesdays and Thursdays available. She is also very, very out of shape. So to get my ‘big lifts’ in and still be able to work with a partner, concentrating on technique and lighter lifts, I am going for evening, morning split sessions. And these split sessions WILL BE short, intense sessions, between 30 and 40 minutes. This deviates from my usual 60 to 90 minute sessions.

Week 1
Week 2
Low Heavy
Up Heavy
Low Light
Mini Full
Up Light
Mini Full
Up Heavy
Low Heavy
Up Light
Mini Full
Low Light
Mini Full
Low Heavy
Up Heavy
Low Light
Low Light

Keeping the overall times fairly short should allow for social and after work activities. And maybe I won’t be so worn out like I am from my standard 90 minute sessions. The only component of this schedule I am worried about is the SLOG (slow jogs). Just need to keep the speed in check and all should be fine. The SLOG Plus is nothing more than adding a two set round of the Mini Full bodies to the morning run. Based on the 6 day schedule, will probably need a week off every 4th week; maybe, we’ll see.

And the split routines, just what will they include?

·         PM Low Heavy – box squat drop sets plus pull ups; triple bicep routine; hip thrusters.

·         AM Low Light – deep squat, calf raise and tibia super; ham/glut machine, seated calf super; leg press, leg extension and leg curl super.

·         PM Up Heavy – neutral bench drop sets plus rows; triple bicep routine; Arnold press.

·         AM Up Light – bent row, lat pulls and upright row super; seated row, straight armed pulls and tricep pulls super; wood choppers.

And the Mini Full body is basically 4 sets of squats, military presses, wide grip benches, upright rows and bent rows; in that order. For my partner, we’ll just clean off the bar and let her push 45 lbs for each exercise. The only one I think she might have a problem with is the upright. That’s my weak area. However, this gal is a big girl, without the layer of fat she’s dragging around, she would be quite formidable. I hope she sticks with it long enough to see progress.


Even with the Sculpting Macro starting out on the slow side and finishing up with those……intrusive exams……….we definitely made progress. I don’t think I have made this much of a change in overall appearance since my initial adventures in Taiwan. Yes indeed, in a 2 year span I have gained 15 lbs, I have reduced overall fat and I am feeling pretty damn good for a 60 year old. This year I will still be working on those love handles and man pooch areas and may try additional or different supplements in an attempt to improve insulin sensitivity. I’m thinking that’s the culprit in my case. And I will also be experimenting with low CO2 exposures; stay tuned for that one folks.

So run, jump, lift and stay away from sugar………life will get better.


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