Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Last Round……………

It’s the beginning of a new year and the last month of a yearlong experiment in building a better me. I gained weight, I gained strength, I gained mobility, I gained experience, I gained endurance. Most importantly, I gained in my pursuit of looking normal, in fact a bit better than normal; I gained on the Last 10 Pounds.

 If any of you out there are reading this and wondering just how difficult it is to manage normal past age 60, believe me when I tell you it IS difficult but, it is also rewarding. I have met many a person my age that just won’t commit, just won’t engage. And the most nauseating answer I hear when I ask why, ‘I’m too busy’. How can you be too busy to save your dignity, to save your life? Take it from an old guy, the older you get the harder it becomes and if you wait too long you may never be able to recover lost ground. I can only recommend that you prioritize the time required to make a better you; make the time, everyone in your life that cares about you will appreciate it.

Strictly Dieting is a Bad, Bad Choice……………..

 Over the Christmas and New Year Holidays, my wife and I plus several other couples get together and drink wine, reminisce and in a broad sense, just plain enjoy each other’s company. We are all of different backgrounds and have different interests with the only common denominator; our daughters are the same age and very good friends.

And the story goes……..….one of the wives who has your basic apple shape, had recently lost a substantial amount of weight. She was on one of those doctor endorsed per-packaged high protein deals. I think this one is called Ideal Protein. The program entails the obligatory 4 stages; protein only then slowly introduce fats then slowly introduce carbs and finally, a healthy eating coach. The one in our area is sponsored by Trios Health (a local hospital, a for profit heath care corporation). In fact my personal pill pusher pushes this program. The problem, there is NO exercise regime, just the diet. And it is quite expensive; on the order of $500 or so a week.

Yes, the woman lost a substantial amount of weight through the program but she looks terrible, still holds that apple shaped, just more exaggerated (extended waist line) way, way outside what would be considered normal. And you can definitely see she lost most of her weight in her extremities. In fact I would speculate she has lost greater than 25% muscle mass in her extremities, there was definitely no substantial fat loss. The weight she lost was in her thighs, her buttock, her arms. She does not look comfortable in her own skin. She looks……..…..unhealthy. She looks……...…malnourished.

And yet when we started talking New Year’s goals and resolutions, she piped up…..…to lose the weight she had gained back. WOW!!!! And a second wife piped in…..…me too, me too. My wife just sat there and smiled, I was proud of her, she understands the consequences.

If you are middle aged and overweigh or should I say…….overfat (most of the world’s population is in this boat) it is better NOT to go on these extreme diets, it is better to be outside of normal and maintain what lean mass you have. Losing muscle, losing lean mass is not the answer, it is…………….unhealthy. It is a form of………..malnutrition.

Bottom line………..Wen Doing the Diet, Training is Fundamental……...you need to prioritize this, you need to make it part of your lifestyle.

I am ashamed to say, I said nothing to these women, I just smiled and nodded my head politely. And the reason; I would have gotten that ever so irritating response, the one that nauseates me……………I don’t have time to exercise.

More on Injury…………

Last month I had mentioned a couple of niggly injuries that were limiting my workout routines; a bit of left hip and right shoulder distress. I had also mentioned that I thought there were specific exercises causing the problems. This was indeed a correct assumption.

For the hip, I moved from the morning recumbent bike to a mini whole body routine and guess what? Hip pain and knee issues dissolved. Who’d a thunk……….recumbent bike and hip, knee issues. WOW!!! I would have thought that morning squats right after a run would aggravate the problem, instead it ended up as a miracle cure. Double WOW!!!

For the shoulder, I started using a double overhand grip on my dead lifts and guess what? Shoulder pain kinda’ dissolved. Another miracle cure. WOW!!! The only impact here is a loss in the one rep max department. I went for some 300 pound deads during my ‘rest week’ (LOL) and my grip failed on the second rep. I guess I need to work on grip; break out the ‘Vice Grips’. Double LOL!!!

CO2 and You……………….

After reading several more articles on carbohydrates, blood CO2 vs. elevated atmospheric CO2, I have decided to monitor in house CO2 more closely and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) web site http://www.airnow.gov. Even though the EPA does not report CO2 levels, the weather conditions that cause poor air quality (particulate, ozone) are the same as those that trap CO2. The weekend of January 9th was a good example, air quality index from the EPA was in the yellow (running 50 to 60 on the EPA Air Quality Index) and in house CO2 levels at 800 ppm plus. On Sunday morning conditions degraded to the point that I woke up with a headache; a stuffy, claustrophobic, sinusy, pissy-ass headache. I am glad I didn’t have a scheduled run that day. By Sunday afternoon, a high pressure area moved through, headache cleared, felt tremendously better and by Monday morning’s scheduled run, all was well. I am so amazed at the difference, who’d a thunk CO2 levels could be so noticeable, so unpleasant to your daily wellbeing. The next time we get into a weather system that looks like it will lock in CO2, the night before no carbs, no alcohol and perform deep breathing exercises before bed. I am also thinking about the use of a neti pot to help clear my sinuses on those stuffy days, especially at night before bed, if CO2 is high, I need all of my breathing capacity to ensure proper sleep metabolism.

And here’s a thought…………….last month I made a comment about reducing the carbohydrate load on patients that suffered from COPD. By reducing dietary carbohydrates, they reduced the CO2 loading in their blood and could breathe easier even with a restricted gas exchange in the lungs. They compensate at the tissue level for poor respiratory performance. Now I see there is an interest in bodybuilding/fat loss circles (the 6 pack junkies) in what is called carb ‘back loading’; eat your junk foods in the evening, ‘after’ your pm workout. Why you ask? You generally have a more active metabolism in the evening………..tied to circadian rhythms; maybe. If you ask me, there is no magic here. At the end of the day, CO2 levels are naturally lower…….….due to sunshine and photosynthesis. The plants and trees and algae’s have lowered CO2 levels, allowing you to breathe more efficiently, allowing you to blow off excess CO2 generated by the ingested carbs. And in the morning, after 12 hours of darkness, CO2 is high so your carb loading should be low. So in the winter months, shorter days, cycle off carbs, be like a bear and depend on your fat stores; high CO2, low carbs. In the summer with longer days and lower atmospheric CO2; binge on carbs, your metabolism is engaged and at its most efficient. Wow; daily and seasonal strategic eating, what a concept.

Now if we could force CO2 below the norm, below what we would see on a summers eave, but only……….a 365 day basis, oh the pounds of fat we would shed.

More on Supplements……….

If you have been training or working out on a regular basis, several times a week…….not just walking or simple group sessions but intense, hard breathing, sometimes brutal, sweaty sessions……..then you know about constipation. If your diet is loaded with protein and carbs are taking a back seat, you know about constipation. Between the dehydration and the low carb diets, specifically low fiber diets, you may, you will experience constipation. And at age 60, it is an unpleasant experience. So way back last summer, I introduced myself to fiber supplements, psyllium supplements to be exact. And yes, these supplements work, they will provide relief. I was amazed at the results, better than all of vegetables, fruit and nuts I could stuff down my gullet. Initially, I was taking just one teaspoon a day. Now I’m up to two teaspoons, at lunch and before bed. The reason I upped the antae; I want to see if this supplement also helps with the high cholesterol. I may just make myself some psyllium biscuits, easier to transport.

If you remember my blog entry a few months back, from my pill pusher visit in October; my blood work (lab results) were pretty dismal. The only thing I had managed to accomplish was to keep my blood sugar under control. The cholesterol was pretty stratospheric; 240 and the LDL, HDL values were upside down. The doctor did re-prescribe statins, 10 mg this time, not the 40’s from the time before Asia. So my plan; take half of the 10’s every other day (2.5 mg/day), take 200 mg niacin three times a day and 1 tbs psyllium at least twice a day. Hopefully this will bring total cholesterol closer to 200 and correct the LDL, HDL ratios. As far as total cholesterol, I don’t wish to drop it to low; e.g. 180 per the American Heart Association. Why? I have a gut feeling it affects hormone levels……...your Big-T levels………those masculine feelings……… I have been pursuing over the last 2 years. And once I start working the Power Macro, I will need all of the anabolic hormones my body can produce. I don’t need a drug in my system that blocks the production of the basic hormonal building block; cholesterol. There has to be a happy medium.

I’m also playing around with my fish oil (omega-3) dosage. I’m shooting for 2 grams of omega-3’s instead of the 1 gram daily I usually take. I’ll also spread this throughout the day. The reason, I want to see if the stuff really helps with joint and tendon issues. Maybe reduce some of the tightness, some of the soreness and improve flexibility.

Just a heads up, once we get back to the Power Macro, we’ll also be supplementing with Creatine, BCAA’s and maybe give L-Arginine a shot again.

In the end my supplement schedule should look like;

Calcium, Mag, Zinc (1000/400/25 mg)
Fish Oil, Omega-3 (2000 mg)
Multi (One A Day Men)
Kelp, Iodine (600 mcg Iodine)
B6 (100 mg)
Vitamin C (1000mg)
B3 (600 mg)
Psyllium (2 tsp)
Creatine (5 g)
BCAA (6 g) (pre and post workouts)
L-Arginine (4 g) (Maybe)

The Nicotine Thing……………

Yes nicotine again, it is a great nootropic. It is great for zoning in and completing a project. You’re not going to multitask here, not like a caffeine buzz. This time we’re not talking about the patch, just the lozenges, the 2 mg lozenges. Recently, on a tight schedule to finish a project that ended up as a test procedure for a customer, 100 pages of technical procedure from scratch, I used my secret weapon to stay focused, to stay the course. And it was successful.

In one of my earlier blog entries, Cheating Death Another Year, I had also described what backing off of BCAA’s was like. I had been up to 12 mg’s per day, 6 pre and 6 post workout, and then just suddenly stopped. It was a trigger for moodiness and…….….the cause for a general disinterest in daily activities, a real bummer. If I remember correctly, BCAA’s affect serotonin metabolism. BCAA’s effect your perception of fatigue. What I’m getting at is stacking BCAA’s with nicotine. I think there may be synergy there. A mood booster plus focus; WOW!!! If there is a connection, I’ll describe it here…………………….   

Macros, Back to Power……….

So starting in February, I will shift back into the Power Macro, back to three days per week upper and lower split routines, the Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For the main show exercises I plan on the Big Triples; SQUAT, Squat, pullups and BENCH, Bench, row. That’s HEAVY, Light and opposite, e.g. drop sets. These have worked well in the past and I think they will benefit me this round also. After the main show, we’ll add bicep work (every time I’m in the gym), lower back and hamstring work, calf work, shoulder work, serratus work and new for me; specific glute work. The glute work will focus on Hip Bridge type exercises with a big squeeze at the fully contracted position; yes we’re talking bootie exercise here. I’d like to see if I could add some dimension to the butt (lol). If that’s my genetic profile, let’s take advantage of it.

For Cardio, we’ll be back to 2 days out of five for running and we’ll stick with the segmented runs (5 on, 1 off) and cycle the pace. And on the off days, I think I’ll go for the Mini Routines I had been working through during the Sculpting Macro. These mini routines are light sets of bench, squat, row and press. May bump the sets up to four instead of the two I am now completing. Maybe go for sprint lifting sessions, e.g. fast reps.

There are no scheduled rest weeks during the Power Macro. The actual schedule will look something like;

Week 1
Week 2


As you get older, it really gets hard to manage………normal. However, it can be accomplished, you just need to prioritize the need and with a bit of knowledge and experience………….overfat can be controlled, overfat can be managed.

Eat right and exercise, a better you is in the making. Doing one without the other may create more problems, pushing the goal of…….normal…….further out of reach. That Last 10 Pounds will be the hardest thing you ever worked for.


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