Monday, May 2, 2016


This is what I used to call my socks when they quit staying up, the elastic finally gave out………….quitters. It’s now the name I give my middle aged friends that have basically given up on a healthy lifestyle, on managing their wellbeing………….quitters. I have a friend that I love to talk cars and motorcycles and work things with, he told me today he wouldn’t buy another motorcycle until he was…….….”in better shape”.  Yes he’s had back issues and yes he’s had his prostate removed but that’s not a reason to quit, is it???? Wouldn’t you want to do everything you could to improve your condition???? Or is it easier to just be a quitter………………….. My goal is that Last 10 Pounds, there ain’t no quittin‘ till she’s done.

In fact, that Niggly Injury I described last month, the TFL pull, it slowed me down, I stopped running the 2nd week into the third month, but it didn’t stop me. Nope, still doin’ the drop set squats, still making progress on the bench, still pullin’ weight with the biceps. I ain’t no Quitter!!! I’m gonna’ Get-R-Done.

More Manly Stuff…….

So besides the items I listed last month that give me just a taste of those………masculine feelings…….I have a few more I want to add.

·         anytime I you get to use my chainsaw.
·         anytime I can beat something with a hammer.
·         anytime I get a compliment from a young lady.
·         driving a pick-up truck with a bench seat and a 3 speed on the tree (a rare pleasure).

These are fun things to think about but the one thing, the ultimate, are the big lifts. Squats and deads……..these get your juices flowing.

Key Performance Indicators……………….

KPI’s for the month of April. No improvement but there is progress.

April Best
Total Weight Moved
Heavy Squat
6,880    (215*32)
Drop Set Squat
6,480    (135*48)   13,280 Total
Pull Up
Heavy Bench
6,400   (200*32)
Drop Set Bench
6,480    (135*48)   12,880 Total
3,200    (100*32)  
Masculine Feelings (Scale 1 to 10) = 5+
Cardio; Dropped cardio weeks 2 and 3 waiting out TFL injury.
Lower 3 exercises completed as a superset; Squat, Drop Set Squat and Pull Up. There is 4 minute spread between the start of each set. In that 4 minutes you complete the 3 exercises plus just enough rest to allow heart rate to settle out. This set is like an extended Sprint; very, very whole body. All squats are Box Squats using standard bench (18”) as a squat limit. Calculated Squat 1RM – 267.
Upper 3 exercises completed as a superset; Bench, Drop Set Bench and Rows. There is 4 minute spread between the start of each set. In that 4 minutes you complete the 3 exercises plus just enough rest to allow heart rate to settle out.  All are neutral grip Bench Presses. Calculated Bench 1RM – 248. 

The second week into this cycle, stopped the cardio hoping that Niggly Injury would fade into memory. No such luck however, still painful, especially after polishing a chair all day. I will probable curtail any runs or serious cardio until after the leg is much better. Maybe I get back into the routines again.

CO2 and You……………..

I have covered some of my thoughts on CO2 in previous entries. However, I do not think I have talked about sleep and the role CO2 plays. As you may have noted from previous entries, I have suggested that CO2 allows for better sleep. And I here to tell you that yes, anecdotally, fresh clean air at low CO2 levels will have you sleeping like a baby.

It is spring here in central Washington and over the last two weeks I have slept with the windows open and the door ajar; a flow through situation. The CO2 levels in my bedroom never got much above 500 ppm. And as soon as we closed the windows and turned on the AC, CO2 in the bedroom started to push 1300 ppm. Sure enough, restless inconsistent ZZZZZZ’s. There is a connection, there is a threshold.

In everything I have read so far, there is a neurotransmitter (orexin) that controls wakefulness. CO2 stimulates orexin, CO2 stimulates wakefulness. This makes sense as far as you circadian rhythm, your natural sleep cycle. CO2 levels are low in the evening because of all of the plants and trees pulling CO2 from the air through photosynthesis. And in the morning, CO2 levels are elevated because the plants and trees have no sunshine, no photosynthesis. However the range of CO2 change is very small, maybe 50 ppm. Anyway, even within this small range, low CO2 helps you sleep and the higher morning levels, promote wakefulness. WOW!!! What a connection!!!

So what I have discovered is that if I need to work or play hard the next day, get to an area of low, outside level low, CO2. If I need to be awake and alert………………breathe into a paper bag???

Getting the Fat Out…………….

In one of Lyle McDonald’s books (I think it was The Stubborn Fat Solution), he had talked about the various fats that are not only in your body, but he also discussed the various fats that we eat. These of course would be saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). Saturated fats are generally thought of as animal fats and unsaturated are from plants and fish. One of his thoughts is that if you maintain a diet based on healthier and easier mobilized unsaturated fats, you would eventually replace your body’s fat reserves with these fats through a ‘Feed and Bleed’ process, e.g. a perpetual dilution process. I think Lyle McDonald called it Differential Fatty Acid Storage. The question I have is how long does this take?

I gonna’ tell you here and now when it comes to fat consumption, my personal diet isn’t that clean; I eat butter, I eat steak, I eat bacon. Yes indeed, I eat my share of saturated fats. However, I also eat lots of nuts, smother everting I can in olive oil and I have also been supplementing with at least 6 grams of omega 3 (fish oil) since the beginning of this year’s Power Macro. And do I feel any different, do I feel leaner? I can tell you I’m gaining on it; maybe!!!! I look better in the mirror anyway.

I have lost fat over the last several months and it’s been through a combination of training and diet, plus some supplements. However, I think the one thing I’m missing out on, to trim the fat even further, is an adrenaline rush. Large dumps of adrenaline (epinephrine) that get the existing stores fat mobilized are on the weak side. And the follow up ‘low-effort’ cardio to burn the fat after release is not there. OK, again from Lyle’s book The Stubborn Fat Solution, adrenaline in the absence of insulin releases fat and a 60% effort cardio routine should burn that released fat. I have called this the ‘Widow Maker’ in previous journal entries.

I’ve been working the 60% cardio portion for a while (up until my latest niggly little injury) using the modified SLOG routines. And more recently, adding a short weight routine in the middle or the end of the cardio. This makes me feel good, feel like I’m accomplishing something but I don’t think it targets the existing fat stores. I think I need to put the lifts on the front end of this routine or go back to the ‘Widow Makers’. Maybe completing the Drop Set Squat routine and getting on the stair master would be a viable alternative.

And if I can replace the fat in my love handles and man-pooch with more of an unsaturated base, maybe just maybe the next time I go for that Last 10 Pounds, it won’t be so difficult. As I get closer to the Endurance Macro, I’ll give this some thought and ‘write it down’. This little paragraph is a start anyway, gets me thinking.   

End Thoughts…………

So I have one more month of working this year’s Power Macro, I hope to start my morning runs after this last week-o-rest, at least at a limited pace anyway. The bottom line……………….Don’t Be a QUITTER, always push forward.


Bee Good



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